Always Go to Strength

Sayan Goswami
2 min readApr 26, 2021

As a child, I took to this quote pretty well. Weakness is sin. I believed it. And I started hating my weaknesses.

The problem was I did not understand my weaknesses. It was a very superficial exercise that led me to revolt against things I thought made me weak…like being sensitive and emotional.

As I matured into a more sensible individual (I would like to believe that), I realized the difference between true weaknesses like being lazy or lack of will from something like being emotional, which turned out was a strength, since that in part is responsible for what eventually led me to do what I do today.

I also realized that since we all have some weakness or the other, it is not the weakness in itself that’s a sin but the acceptance of it and not making any effort to improve the condition..that is the sin.

But, with time, I came to realize the real value in the original quotation. After having mulled over it, seeing it manifest in a myriad of ways, I have concluded, that all sin emerges from weakness. You could look at any negative emotion or action and trace its roots back to some sort of weakness at its base. Weakness leads to insecurity and insecurity leads to sin.

What’s the answer? Always go to strength. Whenever you feel weak, helpless, angry, frustrated, jealous..choose strength.

Make the pursuit of strength the cornerstone of your life. Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual…seek strength…seek it like a maniac; and see your weaknesses dissipate.

